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Extraordinary lives answer to a higher calling

A Trusted Advisor in Performance Optimization

A Trusted Advisor in Performance Optimization

Abiola didn’t come from wealth.

As a child he had four different fathers and an intense mother. Food was scarce. One Thanksgiving a man knocked on the door holding bags filled to the brim with groceries — an anonymous gift from someone who knew his family was struggling. Abiola’s father at the time was immediately angered and tried to refuse the gift. But Tony was overjoyed. This was more food than they’d had in a long time.

Let’s redefine success and build a strategy for sustainable high performance.

Now he’s a #1 Nigeria's bestselling author, the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist, and has impacted millions with his life-changing events.

"No matter who you are, no matter how successful, no matter how happy, Dr Abiola has something to offer you."

Oluwaseyi A Founder, Digiflexng

Pages is a powerful word processor that lets you create stunning documents, and comes included with most Apple devices. And with real-time collaboration with your talented team.

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He’s been named in the top 50 of Worth Magazine’s 100 most powerful people in global finance for three consecutive years, honored by Harvard Business Press as one of the "Top 200 Business Gurus", and by American Express as one of the "Top Six Business Leaders in the World" to coach its entrepreneurial clients. Fortune’s cover article named him the “CEO Whisperer.” And it’s why leaders call upon him to help them lead.